
Remarkable work. A passionate team. And a few adorable dogs.

To understand Hanson today, it helps to read our origin story.

We have an eye for bold ideas.

It’s 1972. Bell-bottoms are in style. Flower power is on the cusp of disco. The Brady Bunch is new TV. Nixon is in the White House, and so is photography intern Steve Hanson.

It was one of the first times Hanson’s founder would find himself at the crossroads of history and possibilities. But reflecting on the journey, it’s clear Steve was made for the adventure. This was just one of many defining moments where his bold ideas would begin to come into focus.

Fast forward almost 20 years to 1991. Steve’s vision as a photojournalist and filmmaker has taken him from acclaim documenting Air Force One to a life of travel, circling the globe for clients. 

Steve’s penchant for big thinking found a perfect match in Jenny Jacob’s talent for big action. Together as business partners, they teamed up with a group of gaming developers to pioneer Hanson’s first digital project.

And the rest—as they say—is hysteria.

We’re proud of the amazing work we create for revolutionary brands around the world. We’re animated when we talk about the major motion picture project Steve and Jenny produced with some of Hollywood’s biggest names (just ask them about the time Salma Hayak conferenced George Lucas into the call).

Today, Hanson is a team of 50+ account managers, developers, designers, engineers, and strategists hell-bent on producing work that is transformative, impactful, and utterly enjoyable. The energy is palpable. Hanson works because every member of the team is passionate about exploring the boundaries of creative and technology. We believe the best solutions result from a process of discovery, strategy, and unbridled enthusiasm.

Nikon Camera

Our Values

start with


Our biggest strength is that we are human. Whether we’re in a hoodie, a festive sweater, or a button-down, we wear our hearts on our sleeves and approach every situation with care. Being understanding is kind of our thing. We’ll always prioritize your challenges before voicing our own.



You know that phrase, “The only thing you can expect is the unexpected”? We live it. When it comes to working with people, we know that change is inevitable and we’re prepared to adapt. With open minds and open communication, we’re ready for anything.

say what


Honesty is important to us and we never let the important things go unsaid. We believe in candid conversations with clients and with each other, always with positive intent.

lead the


We’ll take the driver’s seat and you can ride shotgun. Our expertise empowers us to take initiative, seizing opportunities to develop something great. We thrive on sharing fun facts and industry secrets to address challenges and wow our clients.

own it

We’re not the kind of people who like to sit back and wait to be told exactly what to do. When we see something, we say something, never waiting to be asked. And when we miss, we’ll make it right. Accountability is everything.

Get to
know us.

We’re more than left-brained or right-brained—we’re wholehearted. It’s how we can get to the core of our clients’ brands to brainstorm solutions that resonate and excite. Not everyone can do what we do. We own the uncommon and thrive in the unexpected.

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Let's talk.

    Toledo Headquarters

    Toledo Tech Loft
    336 N Superior St
    Toledo, OH 43604

    Mailing Address

    27100 Oakmead Dr, #256
    Perrysburg, Ohio 43551

    General Inquiries
