Live. Work.

Recently, around the office...

  • Hailey Altman traditional pose Hailey Altman fun pose

    Once made a replica of Van Gogh’s Starry Night entirely out of dryer lint

    Hailey Altman
    Sr. Visual Designer
  • Krista Boughner traditional pose Krista Boughner fun pose

    Constantly tuned into Bob Ross reruns

    Krista Boughner
    Senior Visual Designer
  • Melanie Christian traditional pose Melanie Christian fun pose

    Turning 15 years of dance lessons into pure embarrassment for her two sons

    Melanie Christian
    Chief Strategy Officer
  • Kevin Culler traditional pose Kevin Culler fun pose

    Bread baker and video game maker

    Kevin Culler
    Sr. Software Engineer
  • Scott Deca traditional pose Scott Deca fun pose

    Creative wit where he sees fit

    Scott Deca
    Associate Creative Director
  • Miranda Ebraheim traditional pose Miranda Ebraheim fun pose

    Whimsical accessories collection includes severed baby doll head earrings and a crochet cyclops beanie

    Miranda Ebraheim
    Sr. Front-end Developer
  • Aaron Essig traditional pose Aaron Essig fun pose

    Resident gadget guy and proud member of the Star Wars fan club

    Aaron Essig
    IT Manager
  • Jonette Essig traditional pose Jonette Essig fun pose

    Her kids are as photogenic as they are sweet

    Jonette Essig
    Finance / HR Generalist
  • Susan Hanifan traditional pose Susan Hanifan fun pose

    Would dominate a home organizing reality TV competition

    Susan Hanifan
    Director, Project Management
  • Steve Hanson traditional pose Steve Hanson fun pose

    Camera lens connoisseur and walking nickname generator

    Steve Hanson
    Founder & CEO
  • Mike Hirsh traditional pose Mike Hirsh fun pose

    Ask him about his blue pants

    Mike Hirsh
    VP, People & Culture
  • Joe Holub traditional pose Joe Holub fun pose

    Champion curler and seasonal deer stalker

    Joe Holub
    Director, Experience Delivery
  • Josh Jacob traditional pose Josh Jacob fun pose

    Seems to think “first one to the office in the morning” is an achievement

    Josh Jacob
    Managing Director, Engineering
  • Jenny Jacob traditional pose Jenny Jacob fun pose

    Doesn’t everyone have a handmade panda costume?

    Jenny Jacob
  • Jenny Koeppel traditional pose Jenny Koeppel fun pose

    Assumes you’re at her desk to pet the adorable Bentley (and is usually right)

    Jenny Koeppel
    Sr. Front-end Developer
  • Brett Krewson traditional pose Brett Krewson fun pose

    Wakes up with a good cup of tea

    Brett Krewson
    Director, Finance
  • Sandra McLendon traditional pose Sandra McLendon fun pose

    Y’know how every group has one person without a filter? Yeah, that

    Sandra McLendon
    Office Manager
  • Kevin Metzger traditional pose Kevin Metzger fun pose

    Hanson's resident action sports junkie

    Kevin Metzger
    Business Development Associate
  • Leslie Mohn traditional pose Leslie Mohn fun pose

    George Strait’s biggest fan

    Leslie Mohn
    Managing Director, Operations
  • Emily Mohn traditional pose Emily Mohn fun pose

    Ambidextrous extrovert who can’t stop buying plants

    Emily Mohn
    Account Director
  • Ashley Ramous traditional pose Ashley Ramous fun pose

    Daydreaming about second breakfast in the Shire

    Ashley Ramous
    Senior Project Manager
  • Jordan Rees traditional pose Jordan Rees fun pose

    Home remodeler and humble hockey coach

    Jordan Rees
    Sr. Project Manager
  • Kim Renner traditional pose Kim Renner fun pose

    Would enjoy a day in the life of a noble from the Game of Thrones

    Kim Renner
    Sr. Strategic Planner
  • Dave Rodriguez traditional pose Dave Rodriguez fun pose

    Always planning his next three overseas trips

    Dave Rodriguez
    Managing Director, Design & Development
  • Becca Rudd traditional pose Becca Rudd fun pose

    Oxford comma apologist and wannabe pirate

    Becca Rudd
  • Chas Ryder traditional pose Chas Ryder fun pose

    Caffeinated puzzle master

    Chas Ryder
    Managing Director, Creative Services
  • Chris Sculthorpe traditional pose Chris Sculthorpe fun pose

    Can’t tell you anything because: compromising photos

    Chris Sculthorpe
    Technical Lead, Software Engineering
  • Maria Simmons traditional pose Maria Simmons fun pose

    Yes, high-heeled boots and hoodies are the building blocks of a great wardrobe

    Maria Simmons
    Technical Lead, Software Engineering
  • Andrew Sobotka traditional pose Andrew Sobotka fun pose

    Like Hackers (1995), but without the rollerblades

    Andrew Sobotka
  • Kelly Sullivan traditional pose Kelly Sullivan fun pose

    No one can ever know why we call her “Crusher”

    Kelly Sullivan
    QA Manager
  • Chris Thomas traditional pose Chris Thomas fun pose

    Shouldn’t have been the front man of his grade school rock band

    Chris Thomas
    Director, Business Development
  • Brian Thomas traditional pose Brian Thomas fun pose

    You’ll never believe he sketched that

    Brian Thomas
    Sr. Front-end Developer
  • Lauren Verroco traditional pose Lauren Verroco fun pose

    Incurable wanderlust with the dream itinerary to prove it

    Lauren Verroco
    Sr. Account Executive
  • Justin Weese traditional pose Justin Weese fun pose

    In the midst of restoring a 1981 DeLorean (and yes, it goes 88mph)

    Justin Weese
    Associate Creative Director
  • Mike Welch traditional pose Mike Welch fun pose

    Rubik’s cubes fear him

    Mike Welch
    Director, Development
  • Maddie Wentz traditional pose Maddie Wentz fun pose

    Daydreams about being surrounded by golden retriever puppies

    Maddie Wentz
    Jr. Visual Designer
  • Kate Whetsel traditional pose Kate Whetsel fun pose

    Survives on popcorn and sauv blanc

    Kate Whetsel
    Sr. Account Executive